I couldn’t read in the 1st grade. Sure, I could get along well enough to complete an assignment or struggle through “The Little Engine that Could,” but beyond that I had no clue. I remember in Kindergarten, struggling through a book about anthropomorphised airplanes in front of the whole class...
Everyone has their own personal Waldo. For some, he is a goal that will take a lifetime to accomplish, such as becoming rich beyond their wildest dreams. For others, he is a person, someone who will supposedly complete them in such a way as to make all of their problems disappear. Just like children with a Waldo book, they look everywhere for Waldo, and might even find him...
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I had been waiting for this day for over a year. Most people don't anticipate spending two weeks without showers or real food, but for me, a trek at Philmont Scout Ranch was the highlight of my summer. As we left that day for the fourteen hour drive to northern New Mexico, I anticipated two weeks of backpacking and activities. I got that, and more than I bargained for...
For human beings, life is about finding happiness. To most, this consists of first finding their place in the world where they think they’ll be happy. They do this through a religious calling, or some sort of desperate journey to Europe where they think they’ll “discover themselves.” But, in reality, they never find what they’re looking for and resign themselves to suburban lives which they despise until they die...
It’s hard to talk about influences in my life without discussing my parents. During my early elementary years my mother encouraged me to read. This became my main hobby during the rest of elementary school as I voraciously read everything I could, which I took a lot of pride in at the time. However, this led to some alienation from my peers as I acquired a vocabulary larger than theirs...
Polytechnic Institute of New York University Undergrad
NYU is a diversified university that is not only based in New York but also situated all around the world. Due to this diversity students are presented with the chance to learn about other cultures, and their different linguistics that would prepare them for the outside world. It has provided the students with large amount of opportunities one of which is its study abroad program that ranks 1th in the world...
At the beginning of my sophomore year at Carl Sandburg, I decided to join Student Council. Initially, I was nervous about joining that club's social environment. Fortunately, after attending multiple meetings and becoming acquainted with other members of the clubs, I became very fond of it...
I have been involved in Mu Alpha Theta, a math honorary society, since my junior year. As a member of this community, I have dedicated time before, during, and after school to tutor other students with mathematics, attend meetings, and commit other charitable acts. What makes this community special is our interest in mathematics, and desire to give back to our local community...
I am very interested in applying to the BBA Program through Ross for preferred admission. To be a part of a prestigious undergraduate business school is an honor, and I would like to continue the tradition of success obtained from students graduating from Ross. Having visited Ross and the entire campus last July, I immediately knew this college would be a fit for me...
The one thing that makes me feel content is Dance. I feel as if the only time I can really feel and just relax is when I am dancing. I like moving around in dance because I have more room to express myself, to be relaxed, and to practice my passion. Dance is what makes me feel content and humble with anyone...