Have you ever felt more confident in who you are because of where you come from? I sure did. There are lots of people that go out into the world scared, but then remember where they're from and who they are on the inside. I grew up around a crazy, diverse, and loving environment. The environment I grew up around help me shape who I am today...
I hide my mouth when I cry. Tears expose the intimate emotions at one’s core so blatantly, that I fear every weakness will pour out if I show my mouth. Throughout my senior year, I have bared the teeth of my most terrifying secrets to those who matter the most to me, each time with a hand over my mouth, as if removing it would release a deluge of fallacies from my being...
If I am granted the privilege to attend USC, I would seek an education in the Marshall School of Business. I am interested in the Marshall School of Business for a collection of different reasons. The first reason is that Marshall gives it students the opportunity to make connections around the entire world...
After numerous negative outcomes, why would someone stick to a certain path? Why would someone try to prove everyone wrong? As much as I do not fully agree with the widespread “Only become an actor if you can’t see yourself doing anything else”, it might be the answer to these questions in my experience...
“You need to get ahead so you won’t get left behind.” This is what my parents have always told me whenever we had serious talks about school. My parents always pushed me to go to school every morning ever since I was younger. Now they still keep pushing me further in my educations and into college...
The gleam of the lights and the silence of the audience only added to my rising adrenaline as I step into the spotlight and into a whole new world. Although it has taken different forms throughout my life, this place, standing in the spotlight, is a place I have feared and longed for all of my life...
I pronounce words in my head before I let myself say them. Other people don’t have to, and although I’ve regretted it for a good part of my life, I’ve learned to accept it because the struggle makes me appreciate the fact that my obstacles can come in any form, no matter how trivial they seem...
If soccer is a gentle game for rough men, then rugby is a rough game for gentlemen. Between the sheer hits you see laid on other players and the general atmosphere of hostility between the two teams, it is often hard for a bystander to believe this statement. However, anyone who has stepped onto the rugby pitch will vigorously agree with this statement and each one of them has their own story to justify it...
I have always been a bookworm, devouring chapter books by age four. My elementary school's idea of learning to read and write through phonetically based "kindergarten spelling" seemed nonsensical and counterproductive to me, who saw no point in learning to spell words based on how they sounded rather than how they were actually spelled. At six, I was making rudimentary attempts at Harry Potter fan-fiction, determined to sell my ideas to JK Rowling for her next story...
On a dark and stormy night in June 2006, I lost my father: healthy and fit, incredibly wise and incredibly loving, far from the stereotype of a heart attack victim who's suddenly gone at the will of a chunk of cholesterol floating down an artery and deciding to settle in somewhere very, very wrong. But it happened -- changing life as I knew it and beginning to shape who I am...