Mark Twain once said, “I never let my schooling get in the way of my education.” One’s personal knowledge should not be limited to what was taught in the classroom but should include knowledge sought from the world. This expanded education for a person is meant to encompass the strengths, insights, and unique gifts that come through an open mind and experiences...
My journey to Georgetown began in a small country on the coast of the Baltic Sea – Latvia.
To the outside observer, it would seem like another place with a strange name. But to me, the country is my ancestral homeland and the root of my identity. My grandfather –Fricis Butners - endeavored to serve the country when it became an independent state after World War 1...
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Beads of sweat trickle down my face and coalesce into an expanding sea on the padded red and blue mat below me.
Observing me from all sides, and residing above a domineering wall-to-wall mirror and rows of faux bamboo, are the masters of
Matsumura Seito, whose presence forms an unbroken group of images that likely trace back the lineage of Okinawan karate to
From my earliest foray into the business world, obtaining loose change through the ubiquitous lemonade stand, to drafting SQL statements in the Business Intelligence department of a staffing company, I have always had an acute fascination with observing and studying both money and its flow...
I was baptized on May 16, 1996, in the Catholic faith. Since then I have only gone to Catholic schools, attended church every Sunday with my family and been surrounded by a loving Catholic community. Catholicism had been a tradition that I had known since birth, something familiar and constant...
Jillian, the four-year-old girl I babysit, constantly asks me "Why?" whether it's about the plot of Frozen or why roly-polies curl up in the sunlight. I explain as well as I can but she asks me "Why?" again and again, until we've gone into a 15-minute explanation and I have to say that Ms. Michelle wants to do something else now...
In the hectic bustle of the city, it's difficult to find an oasis. People flock to parks, coffee shops, and libraries to find a small section of the city where they take off their façade and be alone. Columbia exists as a small island on a big one, a little niche enclosed by iron gates where students and visitors alike feel the quiet and silence...
My whole high school career I have been preparing to take my certified nurse's aide exam. If I was in the classroom studying and taking notes, I was out in the nursing homes taking care of the residents. So, when the day came to take the big test, I was elated...
When I was five years old, I almost drowned in a swimming pool. In front of a lifeguard. After rescuing myself by grabbing the foot of someone who was, luckily, sitting by the edge of the pool, I threw a glare at the lifeguard and coughed as dramatically as I could to emphasize my somewhat near death experience...
"She's a genius but she has no motivation," my cousin, Artemis, told my parents. I didn't say anything to her because she didn't know me, and we both knew that. We were compared to each other for years, but Artemis had only talked to me for two weeks...