University of Pennsylvania
Greek mythology tells of the phoenix, a majestic bird that rises from its ancestor’s ashes, which represents renewal and rejuvenation. My phoenix did not come as a bird, but rather as a little brick building on 4th Avenue...
Rice University
I believe my greatest contribution, in terms of my point of view, would be my worldview, spirit of inquiry, and life philosophy. That a more complete education and experience leads to a better world understanding and satisfaction will follow...
Cornell University
The traffic light turns orange. It’s about to become red. With only seconds to act, accessing sensory signals from the eye, your brain quickly calculates the intensity of the push of your foot and acceleration at which you need to stop in time. Then it orders your muscles to press down on the brake. Your timing is perfect...
College of William and Mary
Whenever reminiscing on my brother’s terrible childhood temper, my mom always brings up how unsatisfying it was to reprimand me. “You were infuriating,” she recalls, “because you couldn’t be punished!” When we misbehaved, my brother and I were sent to our respective bedrooms—and while my mom always got the gratification of hearing him stomp up the stairs and scream about the injustice, I would simply shrug my shoulders, curl up in bed, and settle down with a nice book...
College of William and Mary
My favorite shoes are my Crocs. Have you ever worn Crocs? They’re incredibly comfortable and highly versatile. You can wear them in any situation and experience no physical discomfort. Unfortunately, Crocs are on the wrong side of the popular fashion divide, due to their clunky shape and outrageous colors...
Stetson University
For as long as I could remember, all I wanted to do was write, It’s cliche, yes, but it was the only thing I knew how to do well. I’ve always had a lot on my mind and so many words to say but no one to say it to. Every thing seemed too crazy or too blunt to be spoken aloud. It was after I got my first journal that I realized what I really was capable of, but I still felt like I was lacking something...
Stetson University
The stares, the whispers, full of complaints and disapproval and the look in her eyes as she fumbled to get her things together were what tipped me off to the unfortunate situation unfolding before me. The people behind us were getting angry and I felt just as flustered as my mom did. I quietly whispered to her, asking her if she was okay...
College of William and Mary
Disbelief, discomfort, disinterest… I’ve received many strange reactions while explaining my work at Hospice. Sometimes, people smile in a “I’d never do that, but good for you” kind of way and I have even been asked “Don’t you get depressed when all of your friends die?” Overall, I’ve observed a variety of awkward social maneuvers around the concept of Hospice and I often wonder if people ever see the other side of being involved in an organization like this...
University of California - Los Angeles
Everyone recognizes the branded red bullseye logo seen throughout the country. The first instance people see it, they are immediately reminded of the Target store. To one person it may just be the place where he or she buys his or her groceries, but to me, it represents my growth as an individual. Target was the first place I got an interview and a job...
University of California - Los Angeles
My family is a simple one: a mother, a father, and a child. Although this description is easy, the details have always been much more complicated than it would seem.My parents emigrated from Cambodia. I was born an American citizen, the “First Generation”. Cambodian heritage has always been around me, yet I have not learned to read or write in the language and my speaking ability is at the beginner level...
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