I belong in a domain that is at once stable and unrestricted. I tread in a realm that is both wild and serene. Like the Chinese expression for an environment's balance, I am of the "peaceful chaos." My ideal realm is full of safety and security, but also allows me to explore my limits and push myself on various fronts. I reside in an environment in which laughter and joyful energy permeate the air...
The experience that has most impacted my intellectual vitality occurred at the end of 8th grade. I was struggling in math, and was easily the weakest student. I had just failed a very important test. I did not understand why this kept happening...
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When I consider issues that have the most meaning to me, the issue of educational opportunities appears without hesitation at the forefront of my mind. I suppose this is because this issue strongly affects my emotions. Educational opportunities are of vital importance to the entire world...
The entirety of the college process has left me feeling disenchanted, insignificant and small. In general, I feel colleges exist more for themselves than they do for their students. Freire’s idea of the banking concept is in full bloom – harvesting students for professors to deposit as much “essential knowledge” into the students’ “receptacles” as humanly possible. These brains and bodies are the school’s spores they propel into the world in hopes of returning something (anything!) significant enough to bolster the university’s reputation...
The Sound of Static
In a particular basement, buried under a brick house in Allentown, Pennsylvania, there was a laboratory with transistors, vacuum tubes, old radio parts, radio crystals, and even plumbing supplies strewn everywhere, across every surface. The smell was musty and dust covered most of the equipment in the dimly lit closet that my grandfather called his ham shack. As a child I was intrigued as to the purpose of the mysterious equipment...
There is one moment, a split second, when all of your fears seemed confirmed, the mistake you just made would be your last, and the conversation with your mother would be the final words you say to her. This was my feeling on a sunny fall afternoon at 4:05 P.M...
Maybe it was the fact that Nick was an engineering major, or because his parents were from the same town as my dad, Erie, PA, but from the moment I first spoke to Nick Kelsey, our Notre Dame tour guide, I was hooked. As we started our journey away from the dome, Nick spoke about his experiences...
Growing up, I was always searching for someplace to hide. Which is not to say that I had anything particularly terrible to hide from. If anything, it was the opposite. I was aware from an early age that I had a very nice home, evident in the cozy library with beautiful, old-fashioned wooden paneling and the second living room that nobody actually lived in except me, my piano, and the occasional dog...
“Undercover and Unstoppable”
It all began with a hot glue gun, some chicken wire, cast plaster, and a third-graders wild obsession with purple. Four weeks before October 31st I proclaimed that no more would I grace the neighborhood streets in a tutu. That Halloween, I would be McDonald’s Grimace...