I mindlessly avoid his prancing hooves and whip-like tail, in the endeavor to strap a saddle onto this 1,200 pound beast. My off-the-track thoroughbred, retired for years, acts as if he is standing within the starting gates of Churchill Downs; ready to gallop away with or without his rider. No number of calming reassurances, nor frustrated insults, could tame the wild excitement burning in his eyes...
While a normal transcript from Godwin High School will reflect a total of twenty-eight courses, seven per school year, mine includes thirty-two. As a member of the Science, Math, and Technology Center, I have had the opportunity to take additional science and math courses not open to the general student body. However, I also have a passion for singing and performance. Finding a way to fit multiple math, science, and chorus classes into a seven-period schedule these four years would have proved impossible without early bird and online summer classes...
Always on the move, I am a dedicated athlete who knows there are an unlimited number of ways I can improve. Kinesiology, studying and understanding the movement and mechanics of the human body, can be a key element in learning how to improve athletically...
When asked as a child what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer would be a nurse. If I was asked the same question today, I would confidently say Nursing. For as long as I could remember, I have always had a strong desire to take care of those around me, whether they be my parents, or siblings - to protect them, and ensure their happiness. Other professions, such as law enforcement and teaching, are viable options, but I am adamant that Nursing is a profession what I would want to pursue...
“Look at me when you’re talking to me, or when I’m talking to you.”I slowly shifted my eyes to look at my teacher’s face. Unconsciously, I began to look downwards...
I have made the decision that I want to take this time in my life to learn as much as I can in order to develop into a future business woman. Moving out and attending school in a big city will be part of the learning I will experience if accepted to The University of Pittsburgh. I believe Pitt can offer me the many opportunities I will need in order to be educated properly...
Being born into a Haitian family, I lived in a strict, but loving household. My parents were always tough on me, but it was because they wanted the best for me. I am constantly being pushed by them to do the best that I can no matter what, especially in school. Education has been something that they have always valued. Since they never went to college, let alone finish high school, my parents encouraged me to be the second child to reach for the stars and aim for a bright future...
When I was younger, my grandfather suffered a severe stroke that left him totally paralyzed on the right side and unable to talk. Papap, as I called him, was always there to support my sister and me in all of our activities. This stroke prevented him from attending our events and performances. Because we knew how important it was to him to be able to see us participate in what we each loved to do, we decided we would bring some of that to him...
Entering Bimbe Basic School, I was greeted by numerous voices chanting in unison: “Education is knowledge, knowledge is power and I want it”. Following the chants, I entered a classroom with 20 enthusiastic students, ravenous to learn. It was as if the Zambians, still burdened by the gross inequalities of colonialism, were responding to the former colonial axiom: “If you want to hide something from the blacks, put it in a book”...
At 30,000 feet above ground, I sometimes looked through the half-covered window and, for no more than a second, confused the platter of clouds for terrain. It seemed like the sky had its own Antarctica: softer and less ruthless, but nonetheless majestic—a dimension of rolling hills and vast plains powdered with cotton-candy snow. Once in a while, when the clouds parted and the aircraft tilted to the left, the land underneath would briefly peek through, like a child too shy to greet a guest properly...