Brown University
Rationality has always been my best friend. But sometimes, rationality turns into over thinking situations, which only leads to complications. I was the kid that had to process everything before committing to something. I tend to attribute this nature to my upbringing- putting my best foot forward was all I could do when living in one of the worst neighborhoods of Chicago...
Brown University
Based on the millions of viewers the Discovery channel’s “Shark Week” attracts every year, sharks are intriguing to many. This is partly due to their reputation of aggression, as well as their mysterious representation in our society. Every year, more and more scientists are becoming more familiar with the behaviors and patterns of these apex predators, but there is so much more to fit in the equation...
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University of Southern California
I’ve always had a soft spot for sitcoms. From “Friends” to “30 Rock,” if it features formulaic characters, cheesy jokes, and plots that resolve themselves in twenty minutes, I’m all over it. This is part of the reason why I reacted with atypical happiness when I realized I was gay...
Michigan State University
It is dark, the air is still, no one around me is awake, yet I am getting dressed to put in an 18-hour, backbreaking day and I can't wait to get to work. Working as an Engineering Assistant for one of Michigan's largest asphalt contractors, ASI was an outstanding learning experience that confirmed my direction in life...
Northwestern University
As the campus is an important aspect in any college decision-making process, the campus of Northwestern University is an architectural masterpiece where I could definitely see myself attending amidst the vibrant culture of the Evanston area. With the diversity, I hope to take advantage of the many clubs offered by Northwestern such as the Asian/Asian American Student Affairs Program and the Vietnamese Student Association...
Rice University
The intimidating building now lay before me. I took several deep breaths before entering Centennial Hall of Augustana College for the first time. Months of stress accompanied the training, sometimes resulting in restless nights affecting day-to-day life. At times, the pressure to succeed along with regular expectations grew immense for the mind of a fifth grader to endure...
Rice University
Passion and desire motivate me to win every point, every set, and every match. In tennis, winning seems to be the most important aspect, an outright mesmerizing feeling of euphoria. I remember times when the finish line was merely steps away, only to have it become miles long right before my eyes due to crushing failures. It is through overcoming adversity that champions are made and victory becomes commonplace...
Rice University
I am a slightly watered-down passion fruit. One sip of a passion fruit-flavored bubble tea and the existence of such a profound essay prompt led me to research the pH of a passion fruit. My inquiry led to the answer of 3. Such an acidic number inaccurately describes my personality, so adding some water, a neutral and more basic solution, would bring the pH of the passion fruit to a more pleasing number, a 5...
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
When I was growing up, I was that kid. You know, the kid who constantly asked questions that would fall upon deaf ears. I was always eager to understand how and why things around me worked; this would drive my parents mad. Even in school, my questions would always be noted as “too frequent” or “off-track.” During my sophomore year of high school, however, everything changed...
University of Southern California
As someone who is extremely interested in world politics, it is not surprising that an activity based on international relations and diplomacy like Model UN would appeal to me.However, its not just the topic that reveals something about me...
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