From a young age I listened to the BBC news every night in bed, which fed my need to learn more about global events. The "Arab Spring" of 2011 grabbed my attention and focused my interests on the Middle East. My classmates, whether they wanted to know or not, were subject to my explanations of protests and revolutions in Egypt, Syria, Libya, and beyond...
It was 1 AM on a chilly Budapest night as I sat on the edge on a planter alone, with absolutely no idea where I was, and no phone in my pocket to guide me. I had come to Hungary for Model UN conference, but after a night out, had become separated from my host in a subway station...
Some people use writing or drawing to let themselves feel free, but I achieve that through performance. It seems counterintuitive that I get the most joy and comfort from putting myself into a situation that routinely makes me physically shake and feel like I'm going to throw up. The experiences before a performance are unpleasant and unlike any other that I've been through...
Every day on my trip home from school, I feel distant as I stare at surroundings that seem so surreal: graffiti-laden walls with the phrase “R.I.P.” written on them, the woman with glassy eyes walking aimlessly through the street. All that I can think of is that these people and these signs all have a story; an untold narrative of their past that has been silenced by various societal ills such as economic inequality and gender/racial prejudices . My academic interest is to present their stories to the world...
At the age of ten, my mother and I had to move across the country to a city we knew nothing about just to survive. My grandmother had done the same for the sake of her family when she came to the United States from Haiti. Even though my grandmother did not have the privilege of a formal education, she was the brightest woman I knew. She worked multiple jobs to be able to single-handedly pay for the private education of all her children, and it is because of this that I understand the value of an education and the importance of being a true leader...
I joined musical as a freshman following the encouragement of an upperclassman, Lauren. I had no experience or friends in music or theater, but I wanted to participate in something.
I was floored by how accepting everyone was when I attended my first rehearsal. Everybody helped Lauren convince me that it was going to be one of the best experiences of my life. During my time in the drama department, I have realized just how intimate it is. Anyone who auditions is offered a place in the show. Everyone is accepted. Musical was the first thing that I felt I belonged in...
I feel that honesty is the paramount quality in any person. An honest person is truthful and sincere. At my school, we have the following mantra: "Honesty is the best policy." I have taken this mantra to heart since my enrollment at Sacred Heart-Griffin, and have seen the truth behind it through my experiences. Embracing this mantra by aiming to be a paradigm of honesty has created a character that I am very proud to call my own...
Part of reality is that the world isn't perfect - we are surrounded by problems, but what's important is how we react to these problems. My family is my world, and has been the most influential aspect of my life. My family has influenced me to choose physicianship as a career in which I can help people and also be assured financial independence...
Lush forests, open plains, unoccupied lakes, land to be explored, and a welcoming camp fire. These are all part of the environment in which I am perfectly content: camping with my friends...
As a millennial, I reveled in the indie goddess aesthetic that radiated from popular culture. Upon coming to the conclusion that this epochal style revolved around wandering aimlessly through record stores while wearing a skirt, I set off on a summer journey I believed to be my ascent into indie divinity at the ripe old age of 14. I locked my bike to a set of racks a street away from my destination, fearing the vehicle's floral pattern would shatter my ruse of being a 25-year-old vinyl connoisseur...