University of California - Los Angeles
I never thought I’d pursue acting until I found myself onstage holding a clay puppet, screaming about witchcraft in a Welsh accent. Unless you’re familiar with Caryl Churchill’s one-act, "Vinegar Tom", you probably think I’m sort of…unusual. Well I’ll let you in on a little secret; I am...
University of Southern California
Engineers have been categorized as geeks for their love of technology and science. And many hopeful engineering-students have been seen as geeks as well, me being no exception. I am, and always will be, a geek...
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University of Southern California
There are many situations in life where one feels as if he is making a true difference and is in a state of contentment. For me, that situation was while attending North Dakota Boys State. North Dakota Boys State is a summer civic leadership program sponsored by the American Legion, a nationwide veteran's organization. I was content at Boys State because that was a place where I had responsibility and was able to work with peers and discuss not only the problems our society faces but also how to solve them...
Duke University
I really like to help people. Honestly, since elementary school, I have created a goal towards helping people out. And not in a "Hey, can I help you with your pudding" kind of way; but rather in a "Here's a spare pencil, let me see if I can fix your old mechanical one" kind of way. I figured out early what my identity would eventually be like. But back to elementary school...
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
My kind of community is the one which exists in the virtual world. The one I've been attached to since I was nine. The one which, nowadays, always begins with: "You still play that?"..
Boston University
In the summer of 2012, the few doors in the virtual space I knocked on gave me a taste of eCommerce. I followed my heart and gave it my best. Now, I see my future - a leader who innovates to redefine economic security, and builds a fair and ethical business model to benefit the world...
Babson College
Babson's mission statement says that "it educates entrepreneurial leaders who create great economic and social value - everywhere." As vision is an important trait of successful entrepreneurs, my optometrist can confirm that I can see further with a 20/15 vision. While this is no doubt a gift in today's electronically-based lifestyle, I am more proud to declare my overall vision is even stronger than that - it interchanges between far and nearsightedness...
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The rich aromas of Cantonese dim sum, the lively chatter of dozens of Sunday morning customers, and the many employee greetings my family and I receive envelop my senses as we walk through the door. The frequent announcements the dim sum cart pushers yell out, such as "Sun-sin-chut-loh!" ("Fresh out the oven!"), have become white noises. My parents, grandparents, and I are unruffled by what a newcomer would describe as hectic...
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
I already know being successful isn't easy. Starting my own online storefront as part of a summer internship was one of the most demanding yet worthwhile activities I've participated in. Even with the support and advice of my family and friends, the pressure was on to create a profitable on-line business with my supplier's clothing products...
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Most people don’t know what a Pit Orchestra is. Most people don’t even know we exist. Whenever I tell people that I’m part of Pit Orchestra, they always ask:“What’s a Pit Orchestra?” “It’s not a recording?”..
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