Texas Christian Universityersity
Texas Christian University is perfect for me because it brings me back to my roots. My father grew up in West Texas and as he shared his childhood memories with me something that always seemed to repeat itself were the stories of these creatures called the “horny toad” (or horned frog) that visited his house every summer. I always wondered if they really existed, and now I’m glad to know they are alive and well in Fort Worth, Texas...
Princeton University
Cadet Leadership is undoubtedly one of the most meaningful experiences in my life so far. It has not only helped me grow but also played a significant role in influencing others’ lives...
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Princeton University
My academic passions and interest in science and engineering can be traced back to my childhood. In kindergarten, I loved to play with Lego. I could spend hours at a time exploring and experimenting with different Lego bricks to build anything from vehicles to robots to tall buildings...
Princeton University
I dream of becoming an oncologist, working at the forefront of the fight against cancer and ultimately helping patients to conquer the devastating disease. My professional aspirations and passion have their roots in my family and personal exposures to the healthcare field...
Princeton University
At the end of middle school, I was left with a tough choice: whether to continue my education in public high school, or to leave for a private school. Although very studious as a child, I was still unsure of myself and my place in my school community. Academics had always been a very individual effort, so throughout my childhood I had little experience with group dynamics. To most, the young me was “bright, but reserved” as a student...
University of Pennsylvania
As I sit in the small office connected to Room 102, I am spending time in the place I most enjoy. The office is bustling with people: some editing articles, some laying out pages in InDesign, some standing around waiting for a computer to open up, and some simply talking. In this tiny office, I spend my lunches, many of my breaks, and a considerable amount of after-school time. I am one of the editors-in-chief of my high school’s newspaper, The Campanile...
University of Pennsylvania
“I live in the Far Northeast of Philadelphia, right near the borders of Huntingdon Valley and Abington.”I became very used to this description of the location of my home soon after I began high school...
University of Pennsylvania
Last April, I took a quiz on buzzfeed.com: Which Ivy League School Should You Attend? I got Penn. I did not trust the quiz, so I took it again, changing a few answers. Still I got Penn...
Texas A&M University
My junior year of physics; a new teacher, a new program, and neither the right one for our school.When a teacher or class disappoints, two options surface; settle in for the ride, or strike out and learn to manipulate The Force. I knew better than to settle for less...
Texas A&M University
“What I wish I knew” were the five words that ensnared my middle-school self. I Googled, sought out it all - advice from high schoolers, college graduates, or even those with decades more life experience than myself. That Boy Scout motto-esque nature of preparing myself for the future persists, rooted firmly in my conscious action...
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