Texas A&M University
‘Twas the first week of 10th grade, and all through my house, changes were happening as swift as a grouse.Kuk Sool Won: a Korean martial art and the first sport I willingly, curiously stumbled into after middle school escapades in track. I signed up for a month, tested the waters. The palpable confusion I notice on every white-belt’s face nowadays was most certainly on mine at the time - the oddity of the warm up, the plethora of new information and development of muscle memory...
University of Pennsylvania
High school has undoubtedly been the most educational four years of my life, not only in the realm of academia, also the world around me, as well as who I am as a person. My high school years have been where I have discovered what I am truly passionate about...
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University of Pennsylvania
I am one of the fortunate individuals who has known exactly what my purpose on this earth is since I was a toddler. I distinctly remember my first grade teacher asking my class what each of us wanted to be when we grew up, and listening to my classmates reply with the generic answers of five year olds – “firefighter,” “police man,” and, of course, “princess.” I, however, replied with “doctor,” and have been driven to attain such a goal ever since...
Washington University in St. Louis
One of the extracurricular activities I am involved in is this program called FYI that is affiliated with Planned Parenthood. Because of current sexuality education laws in both the state of Tennessee and the Knox County school district, outside instructors besides the inaccurate and biased one the district has hired are not allowed to come into schools and teach. This is where FYI comes in...
New York University
Karate is a form of art, a way of life and a method of self- defense. My karate journey has taken me far through the hierarchy of color belts and through life in general...
Florida Gulf Coast University
For as long as I could remember, I have wanted to be a doctor. I have been responsible for the care and feeding of people ever since I was in the second grade. To reach my goals, I realize that I must pursue an twelve year college education which will begin with the Fall 2013 semester...
Tufts University
“An A. Good job, Nick.” My parents would tell me; however, they would always make sure to remind me that an A was just a grade. It wasn’t perfection; in fact perfection was impossible, but I could always work harder and learn more; a grade could never determine that.This was the philosophy of my first home. My second home was very different...
Oberlin College
“A page a day,” my teacher said on the first day of class.This class was the Creative Writing Capstone, an advanced creative writing class for seniors. The reason I enrolled in the class was simple—I have always loved to read. To not only follow a character through their story, but to find the hidden meaning behind words, to feel emotions that are not my own, and to delve into a different world...
Northwestern University
I am planning to major in English with a concentration in Creative Writing. Thus, I was immediately attracted to the Weinberg College of Art and Sciences.It wasn’t until this year when I enrolled in the Creative Writing Capstone —an advanced creative writing class for seniors—that I realized that I wanted to undertake Creative Writing...
New York University
George Bernard Shaw once said, “People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them.” I believe that this may be the most powerful truth to be said. We all have something in our lives that made advancing difficult, the question is; what do we do about it?..
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