Sitting down to write this essay I could not help but worry that whoever reads this essay will be disappointed when they realize that I still have not decided what I want to do. I am interested in studying at Georgetown because I want to be able to take a variety of courses so that I am able to determine my goal...
For the past four years of high school I have had the pleasure of being a member of the Branksome Hall rowing team. Whoever reads this will probably be wondering why I have chosen to write another essay about rowing, and my reason is that rowing is my most important activity...
The Mapuche people have a history of fighting to preserve their culture. When the Spanish invaded South America, where all others failed, the Mapuche were able to hold out for three centuries and some areas remained out of European control well into the 19th century. When the state of Chile was founded, the current south was still held by the Mapuche. Eventually, they lost the south but to this day they still fight for what is theirs by right. The problem is that they are losing their warrior spirit and have stopped fighting so fiercely to maintain their culture. My passion lies in reinvigorating this spirit. I got in contact with the Mapuche because of my Rotary Exchange...
As a child, my love of talking earned me the nickname “CNN,” or “Christopher News Network.” Nonstop questions, comments, compliments, and sarcastic responses have since earned me descriptions from my peers like “annoying” and responses from my friends that usually were preceded with, “Shut up” followed by creatively insulting slurs that are not appropriate to write on a college essay...
Waking up facing Capital Hill on a rainy day, I immediately have my day planned out. After going and getting breakfast from The Bottom Line and finishing philosophy class to become a better “Person in Society”, I go to my first W.O.R.D. meeting. Here, I use the supposed dreariness inspired by rainy days to practice my free writing skills...
This year alone, I traveled to ten countries. During my winter break, my mother, stepfather, and I visited the US Virgin Islands, Jamaica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas. A few months later, I flew to France, Tunisia, Morocco, Canada, and the US during my summer break. Travelling to Canada and the US is the least difficult for me because I can easily relate to people who have similar cultural backgrounds and beliefs as me...
No, my identity is not comprised of two sides of myself that I struggle to balance. Rather, my identity is made up of different and harmonizing values and ideas. Some sides of me are positively American. Those are parts of my identity that I have picked up from school and different media. Then there are the parts of me that come from my parents and my environment...
Jerry, get ready. They’re waiting for you to speak.
As I walked through the cafeteria’s double doors to make my final annual presentation for our school’s debate club, I could not have been simultaneously more and less prepared. As a sophomore, I had given the speech to less than fifty people in one small, cramped room...
I have three passions that have lasted me my lifetime thus far: sports, statistics, and business. When those are blended, the two fields that interest me are the statistics of sports and the business of sports...
Receiving a medal on stage in front of thousands of equally talented, screaming high school students showed me that meaningful achievements demand continuous, never periodic, effort. That moment, of placing top 10 in an international business competition, was neither lucky nor painless...