Rube Goldberg machine (n.): a deliberately complex series of chain reactions that results in the ultimate realization of a simple task.
A domino is nudged, and—click!—it topples into its eager twin; the second domino, acquiescing to gravity, tumbles toward a third rigid rectangle—click!—which hits a fourth—click!— which knocks a fifth. My parents meet in 1991, and wed in ‘95...
It began in kindergarten, when my parents and the parents of my friends enrolled us all in a singing class. The highlight of each class, as far as I can recall, was never the music itself, but the fun of climbing up a low-branched, twisted tree in front of the choir building. Every week I endeavored to climb higher than I had ever before...
I tie on my black apron bunny-ears style over my polyester black shirt, crinkling my nose; even the washing machine couldn’t remove the grease smell. My hand automatically reaches to the corner of my apron to insure my nametag doesn’t read “ynaffiT” by accident. I slip on my black visor, slide on my black sneakers, and tuck my black pant leg over my pink striped socks that belie the uniformity I’m trying to maintain...
I enter the building and the smell of fried food and oil hits me with a familiar strength. I have become acquainted with the atmosphere, something only a few people can say they have achieved. Upon entering, I walk to the front desk and ask for a pair of lanes...
In Greece they say “Η περιέργεια είναι η αρχή της σοφίας”, curiosity is the beginning of knowledge. I sat inside the elementary building with Ardelle drawing a diagram of the pistils and stamens in a flower. Our teacher quietly called the two of us to the door and hurriedly told us to follow...
In 1969, my 11-year-old father left Anthiro, a secluded village in the Greek Pindus Mountains where radios were still foreign, the cafe held the communal phone, and a singular truck arrived biweekly to deliver goods...
When I get a few hours to put aside responsibilities, I enjoy reading and watching shows based around morality, history, and crime, usually spiced with a hint of feminism. My favorite authors are George Orwell and Sara Paretsky. Complete opposites in the literary spectrum, but both the writers of captivating stories that I have re-read instead of doing my assigned homework...
When I was in second grade, I struggled to learn how to spell the word “BECAUSE.” That darn word kept me off the “spelling wizard” list for weeks. With diligent effort, and a mnemonic device my mother conceived featuring the Mickey Mouse song, I eventually learned how to spell the word correctly. Thanks to that irritatingly catchy jingle, and the magic of spell check, I will never misspell “because” again...
I can feel the lump growing in my throat and my mouth going dry as I wish I had taken my dad’s advice and brought a water bottle. As I walk up the wooden stairs, I hear them creak under my feet, only adding to my anxiety as I almost feel like I'm doing something wrong. Before I approach the office door, I have already begun to regret my outfit choice, as my dress is too tight and my heels are just a little too high to be comfortable...