The smell of bread fills the air. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, was arriving and I had been baking for seven hours straight. I was in charge of the Challah, a braided loaf of bread, and of course, my specialty, dessert. As the blessings are said and the holiday begins, I am transported back just a week earlier to my Youth Group’s convention...
My name is Patrick Montiel, and I am an eighteen-year-old first year undergraduate Computer Game Science major at UCI. I am extremely excited to be studying here, as many years of hard work and dedication have proven to be worth something. I have been a seriously dedicated student ever since I began my educational career. I have always strived to be the best at everything I do, and love impressing my elders, peers, and most importantly myself with an exceptional work ethic...
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A transforming event in my life occurred during the time I spent at center for life. I decided to dedicate my community service hours to center for life during my junior year, and this decision changed my life. Center for Life is a place for elementary school aged children to have the opportunity to do their homework and receive free tutoring. The children that attend this program usually do not receive extra academic attention, and are struggling in school. This program is located in an impoverished, crime and gang ridden area of my hometown, and the children who receive help here usually have no one to turn to for academic help...
Since 2008 I’ve been an active coach for the District 15 Special Olympics Illinois team. I started Special Olympics to get service hours, but after my service hours were completed I couldn’t see leaving because I enjoyed the self satisfaction of helping the athletes. The program was simply too big of a part of my life to ever think about giving up...
I walk up to the first tee, or maybe the tenth depending on the match. It was not a new walk I traveled, but this past year as a senior it felt as if every match I was playing was my last, which to me was a challenge. The pressure to play excellently and represent Fremd in a positive, almost elite manner seemed necessary, but obviously it is impossible to be perfect...
Before every Special Olympics tournament an athlete is chosen to read the Special Olympics Oath, “Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.” An athlete read this at my first basketball tournament that I attended in eighth grade. I got goose bumps. Although this was directed towards the athletes, I took this advice to heart also and I use this advice to help the athletes I coach...
“Madison! John is coming to pick up the paychecks. Distribute them when he comes by!” The door slams as my dad heads out to work, and I begin filing invoices and fielding customer calls. I’ve always been involved in my dad’s business, whether I am doing paperwork or simply distributing the paychecks. I practically live in the M&B Landscaping office. However, until I began contemplating future majors and career paths I never thought twice about my upbringing or the influence my dad’s business had on me. That’s when I realized my dad and his business are an enormous influence on why I want to major in business...
I loved feeling part of an enormous family that is involved in the student life, but also the community. During high school I played varsity golf all four years, and tried softball. I am a National Honors Society member too. Also, I volunteered as a Special Olympics coach all four years of high school. These activities have taught me life lessons like how to be cooperative with group and how to be a role model, but also helped me mature...
Palatine, Illinois is a small Chicago suburb decorated with white picket fences surrounding modern styled houses, parks dotted with jungle gyms and tennis courts, and strip malls anchored by Starbucks and Panera Breads. I go to a high school that has a high percentage of caucasian students. My friends consist of country club members and state-bound athletes. This is what I find to be traditional, and what I’ve grown accustomed to. My life may seem perfect to some, but there is something missing that I have never fully experienced: diversity...
Dear Journal,Today I was asked an interesting question, "If you had to pick one country to travel to, where would you go?" This was a tough question to answer, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that with almost 200 countries in the world, why would I want to limit myself to traveling to just one country?..