I used to overlook the importance of little things in life. As a child, I would go to convenience stores to buy snacks, and would often throw away the change if they were coins. Even in academics, a few points lost on a test did not really seem to matter to me. However, my attitude changed after one incident two summers ago...
My family is involved in many charitable organizations, which are funded by a successful plastic factory built up by my father and his siblings. Since I was a child, my parents would bring me to charities like Wat Phra Batnampu Foundation and iCare Foundation to make donations, and I learned to sympathize with those orphans or the children who were born disabled. Thus, I set a goal for myself that when I grow up, I want to be more involved in with charitable causes.In order to do that on a larger scale, I will need to expand my family’s resources, and the first step towards my goal is a life-changing education at Babson College...
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As a child, I often overlooked what an individual could do to contribute to the community. I did not understand what the common good is. I would give donations to the poor because I thought that was enough. However, as I grew older, I learned that actions that come straight from the heart are much more valuable...
I love meeting new people. The high school I am currently attending is a close-knit school, and is something I do not particularly enjoy. Although I am constantly in close touch with the majority of the student body, there are no clubs supporting my interests. In addition to that, I feel like the community at my school is not as diverse...
One month remained. Surveying the boiling faces around him, Sensei said, “You can never be truly ready for the Black Belt Test.” His words burned into my neurons like a branding iron, congealing them. I pondered with controlled panic...
As a wee lad, I would putter about the kitchen whenever Mom was making mint brownies. One day, deducing that consuming mint extract must be as pleasurable as consuming the whole dessert, I asked, “Mom, can I drink the extract of mint?” It being 89 percent alcohol, she prohibited that I drink the extract...
Dear roommate,
I write to inform you that, as my grandpa noted, “college is like war: you come out of it a different person.” It’s not a perfect comparison – I laughed when I heard it –but it definitely contains a great truth: college, (ironically) like war, is a time for absorbing new influences...
I didn’t run off to EPGY to elope with bioscience, per se. Bioscience’s applications enthralled me, or so I thought, for young love lies not truly in the heart, but in the eyes. But soft – a light from yonder window broke. Stanford was the east, and molecular biology was the sun...
SeventeenI arrived, but a lowly pilgrim, in New York City, the comedy Mecca of the world.I romanticized New York, a little. The golden streets were to bustle with promises, the people were to walk on beat to Rhapsody in Blue, and I was to folic from open mic to open mic, ducking into comedy clubs, conquering the crowds, and bringing the guttural sounds of merriment to the masses...
It was April when I fell in love with Sarah Kay. I sat before my computer as she read poetry to me. And as she prophesized, “Love arrives exactly when love is supposed to.”..