Yale University
As a young, naïve freshman, I was instantly captivated by the video my science research teacher showed the class. Dramatic music and all, the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair was as alluring as a trip to the Bahamas. A spark within me was set aflame...
Columbia University
I was forbidden to use my first chemistry kit. I was only seven; However, I needed to be eight to use it. I would gaze at the kit longingly, counting off the days until my mom granted me permission to experiment...
Brown University
Essay Topic ALife as Agent 007 I have embarked on my most thrilling and daunting mission to date. Keeping under the radar, I extract information from other countries and divulge them to curious people who have formed an alliance with me. My organization of 14,200 people stationed across the world relies on my keen sense of detecting intriguing pieces of information that will excite and inspire them...
Johns Hopkins University
I was going to meet President Barack Obama. After countless hours on his campaign and connections through my political internships, I stood in line to meet the leader of the free world. As he approached me, my mind went blank; I wasn’t nervous, but the sheer magnitude of what was about to occur had me stunned. “Hi, I’m going to be President one day,” I managed to blurt out...
University of Pennsylvania
"Ben Franklin once said, 'All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.' Which are you?"People often find themselves constrained by the choices they make; choosing to do one thing means choosing not to do another. When it comes to choosing a major, I find myself to be one of those people. As a transfer student, even though I have a broad range of interests, I am limited to one major and, instead of pursuing my various passions, I am restricted to one...
Cornell University
As a little kid, my parents' friends would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up. "President!" I would respond with a toothy grin. When they laughed and asked why, I told them, "Because I like being loud, right and in charge!” bringing more laughter. They would pat my naïve, little head and I would flash them a sly smile and run off. Now that I am an adult, however, I still aspire to be President, but what being a politician means to me has changed...
Johns Hopkins University
“We don’t have the time to go over that,” my economics professor told me. “We have so much left to cover!” I felt defeated. I wasn’t trying to hinder the progress of the class; I just wanted more information. I patiently waited until the end of the class and approached the teacher with my question. “Don’t worry about that, Nathan,” he replied. “Nothing like that will be on the test.”..
Columbia University
“Josh, you’re not even black” To this day, I remember the first time those words rang in my head. It was in the waning days of 8th grade, when everyone had already checked out of school and was beginning to lose the innocence of pre- pubescence. At that moment, forced to acknowledge my solitude, I understood my current academic path leads me to be an outlier. As my personal expectations and work ethic rose during both middle and high school, so did the sobering realization I was virtually alone...
Cornell University
We were waiting anxiously for the results of the competition. Finally, the judge came out with a score sheet in his hand. He walked onto the stage and announced “Tenth place, Team B.” We were so excited, clapping and screaming enthusiastically because Team B had not gotten into the top ten for over ten years. After a while, the crowd calmed down and the judge continued his announcements. Finally, the judge started to announce the top five teams that were going to advance to the State level...
Cornell University
I remember the first time learning about the different concepts of sciences during seventh grade, when I first immigrated to the United States. Though curious and interested about the new topics, I was not able to fully comprehend the materials imprinted upon me. Perhaps it was because of the English that I did not understand, or just the fact that I was not able to grasp new ideas as quickly as other people could...
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