Dartmouth College
Overall, my father’s heart problems have molded me into the man I have become. Seeing my dad survive two heart attacks and undergo several surgeries has inspired me to persevere and fight on. These situations have changed the way I view life and solidified my close relationship with my father. He has passed much knowledge and wisdom onto me and has shown me that no matter what the odds are one has the ability to beat the odds with perseverance and God’s mercy...
University of San Diego
Over the five years that I have danced, I have grown to love folklorico; however, it wasn’t always like that. The first time I stepped into my skirt, I immediately was thrown off by the unfamiliarity of the movements, how unbalanced I suddenly felt and the fact that I was being forced out of my shell. But instead of diving into this activity with a negative mentality, I overcame my fears and with great determination, managed to accomplish more than I had imagined by starting my own dance group...
University of San Diego
“Consider what you really want to devote your life to and set your eyes on that. Don’t set your goals to be how much success can be obtained, but how much happiness can be given to others.” Growing up, my father would repeat these words in hopes that his I would put my own passion in my lives and the lives of others. However, it was not until I joined high school marching band my freshman year and became section leader my junior year, did I truly realize what it meant to put those words into action...
Northwestern University
Covered in a thin layer of dust and on the verge of falling off is my bumper sticker with a picture of John Muir and the caption “hike”. Bumper stickers, though rarely noticed by some people, usually bare great significance to the driver. They are an exclamation about the driver’s beliefs and values. The story behind my “hike” sticker goes back to a trip I went on during my freshmen year...
Dartmouth College
The curtain swells with the boiling over of a thousand murmuring voices, threatening to expose us all at any moment. I am not daunted by this red, rippling foe, however, as I have seen it many times before, from the tentative steps and shaky notes of the first audition, through the countless dress rehearsals and run-throughs, to here and now: the culmination of months of hard work and dedication...
Northwestern University
Social networks and interaction patterns are often complicated and intricate patterns occurring in many species on Earth. Human social network examples include Facebook, Twitter and simple friendship associations. In the animal kingdom, social networks can involve various movements and actions, specific calls or vocalizations or participation in daily tasks such as grooming and eating...
Brown University
If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you’ll probably want to know is where I went to school, and what my goals for life are, and my parent’s aspirations for me and all that crap, but I don’t presently feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth. What I do feel like talking about is my writing...
Northwestern University
Northwestern University provides a learning environment with limitless opportunities. Driving along Sheridan Road, I used to press my nose to the window of our car as I listened to my mother telling me stories of her many days spent on Northwestern’s campus years ago...
University of California - Berkeley
I wear many hats. I am a president, a vice-president, a founder. I am a leader, a listener, a friend. And I am an Ambassador, an amalgam of all the different individuals who make up the student body, chosen to represent the voices of the over two thousand students at my school...
Dartmouth College
In school, you must at once open your mind and shut your body, paying close attention to teachers on a journey of geometric and literary discovery while staying physically still and not being a distraction. My grades and scores don’t indicate this struggle inherent in my schooling. Having been diagnosed with Tourette syndrome nine years ago, I first competed, then came to an uneasy truce with my body, struggling to listen to my teachers while attenuating my involuntary actions that might be seen as disrespect...
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