University of Chicago
I think the first and probably the greatest problem of racism is how we perceive it. I know many people, who are proud of being anti-racist, but whose manner of thought rather tolerates the racism. For example we have a class of white students and a new black student – Bob. While introducing Bob to his classmates, the teacher will say that Bob is a bit different, but this doesn’t make him any less human. Here is the problem!..
University of Chicago
For me the most important community is our school’s preparatory class for the Olympiads. It has contributed not only to my successes in mathematics, but also to my general interest in science and education. Being a part of this friendly, but highly competitive class motivated me to become more inquisitive, to research and study more on my own. One of the most important ideas, which unites this community, is the idea of the continuity...
Brown University
I consider that Brown is the best fit for me, because it comprises everything I am currently interested in. Brown University has a variety of courses in Mathematics and it was ranked 17 by in the field of Mathematics for the 2012. Because of my field of concentration choice these facts are of extreme importance to me...
University of Chicago
This is what history consists of. It's the sum total of all the things they aren't telling us.Don DeLillo, Libra. Yes, this is exactly what history consists of – the untold stories, the stories of failure, of betrayal, of theft – the stories, which are hidden from the eyes of the common folk by those, who hold the power. Who are those gray cardinals? What do they hide in the monstrous archives? Why this knowledge is protected and secret? What is the true history? For me history is first of all the history of science...
University of Chicago
What a good university consists of? For me first of all academics! I love math, I solve math and I'm planning to spend my life working in the field of mathematics. It brings me joy of the discovery, joy of the teaching and joy of the winning. I've participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad and I know how competitive the mathematics is...
University of Chicago
I remember this page of my history very clearly. It happened just a week before my first mathematics Olympiad. I was selected to represent my school and spent almost half a year preparing for the contest...
University of California - Los Angeles
Punctuality. Precision. Politeness. Patience. The four "P's" that define the culture I embody and the first four words that were spoken through the tour guide's speakerphone on the bus through Tokyo, Japan. These basic principles melded into my heart and continue to influence my actions every day...
University of Pennsylvania
It is good that my belt is black, because otherwise the blood, sweat, and tear stains would be seen. The belt smells vaguely of sea salt from being viciously dunked into seawater and smothered in sand during Taido Karate Summer Camps at the beach...
University of Pennsylvania
I spoke poorly as a child. No, it isn’t what you think – I was not born in India, I did not have a lisp, nor did I have an accent. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia; I grew up here, and yet I spoke poorly as a child...
University of Pennsylvania
A school’s community consists largely of its student activities – its clubs, groups, and organizations. As a part of The University of Pennsylvania Community, I will contribute my skills in music, eagerness to help society, and passions for engineering and business...
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