“There is a heart in Philadelphia!” my exasperated boss yelled into the phone, “get here in 30 and you can go.” I tumbled out of bed at 11:30pm and was at Columbia –Presbyterian by 11:58. The drive from New Jersey to New York City was exceedingly faster than my morning commute, accentuating the peculiarly exhilarating theme of the evening...
I remember where I got every one of my books. My eyes skim over them, alphabetically arranged in their black bookshelves. Imperial Woman– Powell’s Books. Ubik –Half-Price Books (Houston). House of Leaves – A gift from a retiring teacher. Foucault’s Pendulum – Bookpeople. Freedom – Barnes and Noble (Sugarland). Ulysses– The Strand. Ariel – Barnes and Noble (Baltimore) . Infinite Jest – Amazon. Mrs. Dalloway – A closing Borders (Poughkeepsie)...
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As I read my adjectives describing a bubbling soda can, I found my own voice begin to fizzle and pop and noticed the stunned silence of my fellow freshmen. To most of the class, the writing assignment was a chance to ramble about a baseball game or TV show, but I used it to flex my descriptive narrative...
Scans showed my grandmother’s cancer like painted stars across her cells, lightly sprinkled. Seeing that was enough of a spark to get me to work 3 summers in a laboratory. I was willing to complete admittedly monotonous tasks, comprised of pipetting, centrifuging, vortexing, copying and purifying DNA, plating cells, and measuring solution. I could be convinced that my efforts were truly for my grandma...
Dublin: the epitome of quaint. Each lawn is green with its friendly neighbors and suburban charm. Dublin is my home and I wouldn't change it for anything. I have been blessed enough to grow up in a city where we have the means to get a good education and learn so much about the world around us. So much, however that these things can be taken for granted...
I am from bike rides down the street. I am from the home of baseball. I am from mornings on the porch swing and an "egg with a hole in it." I am from the church across the street and the belief that God will always love you. I am from virtuosos, pounding at the piano keys. I am from intelligence too great to measure; crazy aunts and uncles deep in thought. I am from not one, but from many that make one. I am.....
Cross Country trains but also teaches. Throughout the two seasons I have partaken in the sport, I found that “sport” does not even bring into scope the meaning of the experiences involved. Running has shown me that I have an inner drive to push myself to my limits...
When I began watching the series Kung Fu and my father sat beside me, I knew that he was waiting to find out what I would learn from Kwai Chang Caine’s example just as my father learned when he grew up. I saw my father in his mother’s ten-square-foot kitchenette in Buenos Aires marveling at the ten-inch television screen while making dinner...
The Greek tragedian Aeschylus believed in the maxim “man learns through suffering,” and Friedrich Nietzsche felt that “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” As is evident in my college essay, I suffered when I was younger, but I believe I have only benefitted from my upbringing...
Growing up in Union City, New Jersey is tough; growing up in Union City without much parental tutelage is even tougher. My father was away for many of my early years while my mother, with whom I lived, did not offer much support. My eldest brother was the prodigal child, and everyone else paled in comparison to him in the eyes of my mother...