Bryn Mawr College
La Verdad, the Spanish translation for “The Truth,” is a substance prevention program at Girls Incorporated of Lynn. Five other teens and I form creative and interactive ways of informing youth about substance abuse prevention. All of our workshops are based on refusal skills, stress management, tobacco and alcohol awareness, self-esteem, and other topics...
Bryn Mawr College
When I was younger I used art as a way to express myself emotionally. My eighth grade teacher encouraged me to stay after school to paint, and allowed me to borrow her materials whenever necessary. I often drew faces of people I never met before. They were always sad...
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Georgetown University
Before I could even say “America”, I was a conservative. When I possessed the capability to choose a set of political views, my strong religious upbringing led me to choose the right side of the political spectrum. Even though I had a basic understanding of the issues such as abortion, stem cell research, and government taxation, my ignorance of the left prevented me from making educated political decisions. So, for eight years, I was navigating through the deep wilderness of politics with only half of the map...
Georgetown University
“There’s a method in the madness.” No phrase encompasses my experience as a debater any better. Throughout my seven year debate career (three in middle school and four in high school), I’ve gone through vicious losses, marvelous victories, and meaningful friendships. Although I’m thankful for all the great memories the program has given me, what makes debate a truly life changing activity is the new perspective that it has bestowed upon me...
Harvard University
As a child, my illusion of reality was betrayed by the truth. To grow out of my naïveté, I accepted this as fact, and used it as a driving force behind my actions. This is the concept that guided my transition into “adulthood”. In my youth, I held an overly optimistic view that the world was pure bliss. However, this all ended when one experience shattered my walls of ignorance, and compelled me to become who I am striving to be today...
University of California - Santa Cruz
I was given the privilege to deliver care packages to unhealthy veterans who were in the ICU at the Veterans’ Hospital and to assist other veterans who were in wheelchairs to their appointments in the hospital. One of my duties was to deliver care packages to the veterans in the ICU. As I handed this man his care package, I felt the aura of determination to fight for his own life just like how he fought for our country. The troubles I will face may not be any where near what these veterans went through, but it taught me that sacrifice is needed to do bigger and better things...
University of Southern California
A nerd is typically defined as a socially impaired and studious intellectual. On the other hand, a geek is viewed as an enthusiast of a particular topic or field who is also socially awkward. Which one am I? I have to confess: I am a geek. Not exactly one that conforms to the stereotypical definition, but one that is as shy as a mouse, yet as eager as a lion hunting its prey...
Harvard University
I close my laptop as I hear the referee blow the first whistle, signaling the beginning of the game. Yet another immense homework load left by the teachers, but it can all wait. Looking out of the car window, my eyes quickly scan the soccer field, and I spot my inspiration for a majority of the things I do: my fourteen-year old sister...
Harvard University
I have always had a passion for soccer. Soccer makes up for a large part of my life, and I truly enjoy it. It serves as a stress reliever for me, and is one of the reasons I have been able to make it through my most stressful years. I knew I couldn’t let the opportunity to use my love for soccer to benefit my community pass me by...
Harvard University
I was thirteen years old when I ran away from home for the first time. I was much younger, however, when I first realized that my life was far from standard. People are either born simple, or like me. As humans, we all experience pain and suffering. Every life story involves the inevitable experiences of death and disease, but I have found my early life lessons and relationships to be rare and unexpected...
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